Wednesday, March 2, 2011

(The Following is a beautiful quote from St. Nicholas Kavasilas.  Over the next several weeks I will include more quotes from this Holy Father which demonstrate his great insights into the Life of Christ.  I will also include a brief quote that demonstrates that St. Nicholas not only believed the earth to be round but had a understanding of gravity surpassing that of Newton and comparable to Einsteins position!  A true God-bearing Theologian and a remarkable scientist.)

Indeed, it was for the sake of the new man
that human nature was formed at the
beginning, and for him both mind and desire
were fashioned. We received reason, in order
that we might know Christ, and desire, in order
that we might hasten to Him; we have
memory, in order that we might bear Him
within us, since He Himself was the archetype
for us when we were being created. For it is
not the old Adam that was the
paradigm for the new; rather, the New
Adam was the paradigm for the old.

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